
Past Speaking Clients

Book Dana to Speak

Long-time nonprofit leader and community media advocate, Dana has reinvented ways to earn income to help nonprofits continue to propel their missions forward while being self-reliant. In the nonprofit environment where cash feels finite, Dana speaks to the strategies behind earning the money your nonprofit deserves, to help the communities you love.

Keynote #1

The Future of Virtual Public Government Meetings

Public government meetings have gone through a shift to online platforms since the pandemic. How will our local governments adapt when the pandemic slows? Will we return to in-person meetings, stay remote, or create a hybrid option? NineNorth was executing virtual public meetings long before the pandemic. The Executive Director of this nimble organization will offers a look into the future of public government meetings, and trends you should be watching for, and unveil the newly released Cassandar platform that will make executing your public meetings easier and more affordable.

Keynote #2

Earned Income Strategies for Nonprofits

Nonprofits are reclaiming their balance sheets by developing their own earned income strategies. Change the “lack of” money mindset to an “abundance” mindset and pair that with multiple earned income strategies that will make your nonprofit self-resilient while maintaining mission focus. Dana Healy, CEO, Executive Director, and nonprofit advocate walks through an interactive earned income strategy building session.

Keynote #3

Hyper Local Marketing: Improving and Engaging the Community

Many local businesses are leaning into hyperlocal marketing and advertising channels. Media channels that are primarily focused on the needs and issues of the people in the community are more effective than mass-market ads. How do we take hyperlocal marketing techniques one step further, and improve the communities we work and live in while also gaining brand awareness? Dana Healy, Executive Director of NineNorth will provide some tactical ways to deploy hyperlocal marketing that will improve your local community in the long term.

Dana Healy Blog